Do you need new woodworking equipment?

If your company plans to take on any woodworking projects, you will need two things. You must have qualified and experienced people to carry out the work and suitable equipment to complete each job. Before deciding to complete any woodworking projects in-house, it's worth checking that you have the space to accommodate all of the woodworking machinery you will need. The woodworking machinery will vary depending on the type of work that you will be undertaking, but here are some of the most common types of woodworking machinery that you might think of employing in your workshop.

A drill press

By installing a drill press, you can undertake sanding and grooving, as well as drilling round holes. Most drill presses will have moveable tables and precision depth gauges, allowing you to conduct precise drilling work. Drill presses are available in a range of sizes, including free-standing and bench-top models, so before you invest in one, think about whether it is a good fit for all the jobs that you will want your woodworking machinery to complete.  

A table saw

A table saw will allow you to cut wood in many ways. With a blade that protrudes through the table, you are free to make a selection of complex cuts. If you opt for a larger blade and a bigger table, you can cut bigger stocks, but the larger your saw, the more space it will occupy, so consider whether the increased capacity is a worthwhile investment.

An air compressor

A compressor may not be an obvious part of your woodworking machinery, but it will be essential to run much of your other woodworking machinery and tools. Whether you want to use grinders, spray guns, nailers or impact wrenches, they could all rely on compressed air to operate. Choosing an air compressor is often a balance between output and portability.

A lathe

If you are making anything decorative, such as chair legs or bowls, a lathe will be an essential part of your woodworking machinery. With a lathe, you must be sure to also invest in the appropriate accessories so you can produce the required cuts. You will need plenty of chisels and gouges, and perhaps face-plate turning functionality if you intend to create anything hollow.

These are just a few of the pieces of woodworking machinery you may need to consider purchasing. It's best to sit down with your team and work out what you need to do. You can then decide what woodworking machinery is needed and where you can place it in your workshop.
